NEWS | Issue #5… Lives… AGAIN!

Things are always on the move here at Scumm Enterprises. Those of you who read the two-year Planet Scumm retrospective by our Creative Director, Alyssa Alarcón Santo, know the magazine has gone through quite a few changes since its awkward pre-teen phase in 2017. (Magazines age fast. Magazine editors, too.) And now, like a flock of fleshy phoenixes hosed down with undifferentiated cellular goo, our back issues are shifting their organs around in advance of a GLORIOUS rebirth.

Planet Scumm Issue #5, “Human Resources,” now has our fresh “Nu Scumm” design supporting that patented “Scumm Classic” flavor.

The illustrations by Samuel Rheaume have been re-rendered for clarity, and the layout has been refactored for maximum—dare we say… dangerous—readability. 

Updating a past issue like this isn’t just about bringing our back catalog in line with our new aesthetic. It’s about doing right by the authors—Jackson Lewis Monk, John Rodzvilla, Richard Wren, and Paul C.K. Spears—whose work appears in Issue #5. 

It’s also something of a confidence booster for the Planet Scumm team. When we first started this magazine, spacebucks were a pressing concern. We didn’t want to dump the entirety of our operating budget into high-end printing services, and as such our earlier issues have somewhat… unsophisticated bindings and layout. (Some of them were, uh, hammered together. We’re not proud.)  [Editor’s Note: We’re a little proud]

Since those early days, though, we’ve learned that we can keep our costs down without sacrificing things like “evenly-arranged pages” and “right-side up covers.” Scummy may not have a spine (or any other bones, or a moral compass), but Issue #5 sure does. 

To make this re-release feel as special to you as it does to us, the next 20 Planet Scumm subscriptions made will come with a FREE copy of the rebuilt Issue #5. That’s the next three issues of Planet Scumm for $25.00, plus a shiny copy of our “Human Resources” re-release. Four issues total!

These subscriptions are HOT, folks. Hot like phoenixes. Phoenixes which, as established in paragraph one, also symbolize this reborn issue of scummy science fiction. (Used to be we called the old issues “phoenixes” because they had a nasty habit of combusting when exposed to direct moonlight. How far we’ve come!) You can also buy one of these Issue #5 phoenixes all by its lonesome in our shop, but if we’re being completely honest, these babies tend to get anxious without other magazines to socialize with.